Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I have divided my research paper into five parts; Introduction, author’s biography, analysis of characters,analysis of both texts and implication in classroom. As for my outline, I just briefly write out the main points I want to write in my research paperActually, I find that if a teacher really utilizes any literature text well, it will be useful to the students. This is because I believe every literature has its own value, as literature is about life and experience. Besides, selecting different genres to show the similar issue raised in the texts would attract students’ interest and motivation towards literature. Either from a long text, a novel, or a short text like a poem, both are able to convey similar massage through different ways and passages.
Apart from that, teacher also can adapt several approaches in the classroom depends on what type of texts she chooses. For example, cultural model, human development model or language development model.In short, getting involved in this research paper, gradually make me feel that literature is an interesting and self-reflection class. It is not about scientific fact, but the truth of life. Attending a literature class is like taking a lesson of looking into one’s life and how to make ourselves better.

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