Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Mandela’s Autobiography made me realize that fact that we humans are equal no one is greater than the other; not even the colour of your skin and my skin is not primary distinct of who is greatest except God of his eternal immortal power that sanction man to live on earth not to discriminate but to learn and understand one another. The autobiography tells the story of Mandela himself being in imprisonement and even in a condition that will test man dignity, pride and truth would have leave everything of morality in nature and took sin as he is desparate and sacrifice does not come easy. But, Mandela did oppose the nature of man in depression. He stood up for equality anywhere he is. His ideology of human equality must have burned his passion of creating a peaceful world where equality is the key of harmonious and strength of a nation. Mandela was able to stood up for the rights of others by sacrificing his own privilage.His story made me reflects on Malaysia first prime minister TunkU Abdul Rahman. He sacrified his life for a nation . He was raised to the position as a leader with nothing and he died with nothing. The great story of Mandela is an experience worth to be a guide for leaders as example. Sacrifice takes a mile of self worth and giving by will. But if one can get to sacrifice it worth a mile of praise and pride. Mandela worth of sacrifice is his acknowledgement, he built his legacy in through out the world. His autobiography should be read by everone to realize the fact that humans are of equal quality.

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