Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Autobiography and Diary

Well, I myself do write diary. For me, diary is a way to release my tension, to express my feelings and to share my experience. Diary will be my faithful friend as it definitely will not betray me. Diary is always there for me whenever I feel words can assist me to express myself better than speech. However, as we know, autobiography is also about oneself. An autobiography talks about a person’s life. Perhaps, it is a famous person’s life? His or her experience? Or his or her sacrifices? Or maybe his or her unusual contribution to others? What is the difference actually?

Well, after my lecturer has explained to us, only then I come to the realization that diary is written to be kept by ourselves. Whereas, an autobiography is written to be published. It sounds more formal right? Thus, we can see that some autobiography is also used as teaching material, either as literature as resource or for appreciation. No matter is diary or autobiography, I do think that they are good way for one to jot down their life experience or feelings. So friends, lets us write our own diary. Perhaps, one day it can be an autobiography!

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