Wednesday, October 21, 2009


After the long process doing on our position paper, what is actually a position paper? From my understanding, it is about our stand on the particular text we have chosen to work on. It is about our own feelings and opinion on the whole story. Also, it is arguable as not everyone will agree with your stand and thus, you have to argue by giving points and support it with textual evidences.Well, after our lecturer has explained on the definition of position paper, only then I understand it more deeply. Yes, obviously we have to make our own stand. We could do this by saying that "I believe in a text that….".This means that the something or some points or views in the text which we agree or believe in. Besides, a position paper must have argument and is supported by textual evidences from the text.Apart from that, it is actually quite hard for us to make a strong stand or argument. This is because almost all of us take adult texts which deal with adult issues. For examples, feminism, adultery, social issues and others. Due to our immaturity in thinking and lack of self- experience towards those matters, it is a challenge for us to have our strong stand. It is very arguable and we might lose out stand if there are not enough textual evidences to support our points. Furthermore, to produce a good position paper, one must be a critical thinker. We should not merely look at the surface meaning of a piece of literature. On the other hand, analyzing skill is very important to see things from different perspectives and view it as a whole.In short, I do think that it is the process of doing the position paper is challenging yet suffering. When I am stuck or mind- blank, well, that’s the time where I got to stay calm and most importantly, stay strong with my own stand. Position paper teaches me to have own stand but not always and merely dependent on other people. Everybody is different, thus everybody might have different thinking, feeling and understanding.

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