Monday, October 5, 2009


I am used to fables since I was a kid. My aunty is a teacher, she had taught me to read till it became a habit till now. I could not sleep till I read something because I am used to reading. Fables are my favourite; they are not lengthy but rich in content pertaining to moral values. However, as I grew up, fables fade away because there were so much of other reading resources. After a certain period of time, I totally forgot my favourite fables because I had enough of serious reading so I began craving for something lighter like magazines, and newspaper columns.I have never come across any teachers who uses fables in their lesson . After learning about fables, I agree to the fact that fables are good resources of knowledge. Teachers should move from the old way of newspaper cuttings and passages from workbooks. Fables suggest an authentic teacher generated material. At least, the students have not come across the questions provided somewhere and the text does not have to be simplified; so we can stick to the original version and preserve the personal touch from the author.Teachers nowadays have access to the Internet easily. They will not face the difficulties to get materials from the net. So, frequent library visits are not required and they can surf for the fables through Internet with other additional information about it. (such as historical background and possible activities) When there is a will, there will always be a way.

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