Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My favaurite fable

The crow was at her luck for the piece of cheese. But, she is rather naïve to fall for praises, the kind words by the wolf. She was known as ‘Queen of Birds’ and she boasted. She opens her mouth and the piece of cheese fell on to the ground. Now, the wolf with his brilliant idea caught him a piece of cheese. I guess the bird cannot even open her mouth because she must be shocked that she was cheated and astonished that the wolf was able to get away with her cheese though he cannot fly either climb the tree.The moral lies will be not to fall or trust strangers easily. We must not fall for temptation which may cause us fail to be alert and rationalize the situations. We must also be careful with words. Words may be beautiful when arranged by the con but you may be swindled by them. Man will try to do all they can to achieve their aims even though the stakes may be high and risk their effort.We must also not easily to trust because trustworthy is not required but acquired as one deserve trust that we have confident in. "Do not trust flatterer". It may sound funny but the fact is truth.

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