Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The fall of Icarus!!!!!!!!The heat of the Sun may warmth you but Sky is the limit and watch below as you might fall dead but drown. The heat of the sun melts the wax weakening the wings that flutters. The sky is too high for reach as the heat catches on you and the thrill and eagerness of going against the odd of flying is the mistake to belief that the open sky is meant for Daedalus’ invention. Icarus was too thrilled with the flight and he has left the plight he made to his father to stay on the course midway between earth and heaven and yet he went beyond heaven and fall below earth.Perhaps, we might question if Daedalus’ idea is right or worth that he lost his son to his invention though to bring him venture to new places beyond land. Who should be blame then? Death occurs under circumstances. Icarus’ death can be considered a tragedy for the mistakes of his own thrill and Daedalus’ belief has made God diminutive that human can fly.

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